Friday, February 25, 2011

Rape, kinda rape, life and choice

Things that make me scream~
It really is a man's world I guess...

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you when following this debate that it is crazy. The issue is not really the fact that it is a man world.Like the congressman said it is not about the well being or the privacy of the individual, it is really about the conservative philosophy. They do not like abortion so no one should get one. The irony in this is that it is a panel of men that will determine a matter that only affect a woman (physically I mean). The sadest part is that, conservatives do not want the government to "suggest" what people should eat because it is too much of an evolvement but God forbide you get rape, the government should force you to keep the child. My suggestion will be that for those who can't get an abortion, they should drop the child in front of those conservative to take care of them since they value life more than anybody else.
